11 Lavoro Driving Thiene
CARRELLISTA MAGAZZINIERE Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, THIENE other people: Job type: Career level: Education level: Driving licence: Means of transport: 7 giorni fa
ADDETTA/O CONFEZIONAMENTO SU 3 TURNI Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, SANDRIGO : Driving licence: Means of transport: 7 giorni fa
CARRELLISTA Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, SANDRIGO . 1208 SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Join date: 14/04/2025 Work experience: Working hours (%): Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Education level: Driving licence: Means of transport: 7 giorni fa
BUYER Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, BASSANO DEL GRAPPA proposed: Join date: 12/05/2025 Work experience: Working hours (%): Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Professional / Specialist Education level: Driving licence: Means of transport: 5 giorni fa
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IMPIEGATO/A UFFICIO ACQUISTI Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, BASSANO DEL GRAPPA : Education level: Driving licence: Means of transport: 5 giorni fa
ADDETTO/A AL CONFEZIONAMENTO TURNISTA Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, BASSANO DEL GRAPPA . - Aut. Min.1208 SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Net salary proposed: Work experience: Working hours (%): Work availability: Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Education level: Driving 5 giorni fa
ADDETTO / ADDETTA ALL'ASSEMBLAGGIO Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, MONTECCHIO MAGGIORE . - Aut. Min.1208 SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Net salary proposed: Work experience: Working hours (%): Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Education level: Driving licence: 7 giorni fa
MAGAZZINIERE Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, MONTECCHIO MAGGIORE level: Driving licence: 7 giorni fa
ADDETTO ALLA BULLONERIA Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, MONTECCHIO MAGGIORE proposed: Work experience: Working hours (%): Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Education level: Driving licence: 7 giorni fa
ADDETTO/A PRATICHE SOA Eurointerim - Italia, Véneto, MONTECCHIO MAGGIORE level: Driving licence: 16 giorni fa
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