Beauty Advisor - Firenze Calzaiuoli
Firenze, IT
Every day, our teams across the world bring to life our purpose: to expand the way the world sees beauty by empowering the ExtraOrdinary in each of us./ppWe are united by a common goal - bto reimagine the future of beauty./b/ppbThe opportunity:/bbr /pp style=text-align:justifyspan style=font-size:12.0ptspanspan style=vertical-align:baselinespan style=font-family:#39;Times New Roman#39;, serifbemspan style=border:none windowtext 1.0pt;font-size:10.0pt;padding:0.0cmspan style=font-family:#39;ITC Avant Garde W1G Bk#39;, sans-serifspan style=color:blackIt is all about people/span/span/span/em/bbspan...
30 giorni fa da: Sephora