15 Lavoro Driving Gussago
ALLIEVI CAPOSQUADRA Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Gussago /679). Eurointerim S.p.A. - Aut. Min.1208 SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Work experience: Working hours (%): Work availability: Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Driving licence: Means 6 giorni fa
MAGAZZINIERE Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Gussago -per-i-candidati (GDPR - Regolamento UE 2016/679). Eurointerim S.p.A. - Aut. Min.1208 SG del 10/09/200. Sector: Role: Work experience: Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Driving licence: Means of 6 giorni fa
IMPIEGATO/A DI MAGAZZINO Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Gussago (GDPR - Regolamento UE 2016/679). Eurointerim S.p.A. - Aut. Min.1208 SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Net salary proposed: Work experience: Working hours (%): Job type: Career level: Driving licence: 6 giorni fa
ADDETTO/A QUALITÀ NON CONFORMITÀ Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Rezzato : Education level: Driving licence: Means of transport: 6 giorni fa
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MAGAZZINIERI ZONA TREVISO NORD Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Paitone : Driving licence: 6 giorni fa
MAGAZZINIERE CONSEGNATARIO PAT. B Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Paitone UE 2016/679). Eurointerim S.p.A. - Aut. Min.1208 SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Net salary proposed: Work experience: Working hours (%): Job type: Career level: Driving licence: 6 giorni fa
OPERAIO/A ADDETTO/A ALLA LOGISTICA L.68/99 Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Paitone SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Net salary proposed: Work experience: Working hours (%): Job type: Career level: Education level: Driving licence: 6 giorni fa
ADDETTI/E ALLA PRODUZIONE E CONFEZIONAMENTO CHIMICO 2/3 TURNI Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Paitone date: 03/03/2025 Work experience: Working hours (%): Work availability: Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Education level: Driving licence: Means of transport: operaio chimico 6 giorni fa
AUTISTA PATENTE C+CQC Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, GAVARDO hours (%): Will manage other people: Job type: Career level: Professional / Specialist Education level: Driving licence: Means of transport: 6 giorni fa
AUTISTA Eurointerim - Italia, Lombardía, Vestone - Regolamento UE 2016/679). Eurointerim S.p.A. - Aut. Min.1208 SG del 10/09/2003. Sector: Role: Net salary proposed: Working hours (%): Job type: Career level: Driving licence: possesso della patente C e CQC 6 giorni fa
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